Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

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Hi! My name is Mike. I am 45 years old and I had been smoking cigarettes from age 15. Until recently I was happy and didn’t have any major problems regarding my health that can be related to smoking. My close friend just got lung cancer and with me by his side we went to doctor.
Thursday, February 11, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Hi guys! I have just wanted now, right now, to tell you something that may change your life! If you are a committed person and you have read all my previous posts, you could find out many reasons that can help you and guide you so you can quit smoking cold turkey easily. There are many reasons why you could be here. Maybe you are scared for your health, or maybe you are scared for your family like I was, or you saw what kind of poison cigarettes are. I hope that right now, you found reasons that make sense to you. I can’t know your reasons; I just hope that I helped you in answering all the stupid shit that is needed for you to make a choice. So, I think, by now, you have made a choice, and you are ready for life of freedom and prosperity! So let’s begin.

There are some fundamentals of quitting smoking cold turkey:

1. Will power
2. Habit management
3. Additional resource


So I hope that you have made the decision by now. In order to quit smoking cold turkey, you really need only one thing. You need to make a decision to stop, to discard all cigarettes, to trash them. Yea, it’s hard, mainly because your body is used to nicotine. But only if you make a choice, is this shit happening. I can only tell you one thing, my motto is: MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY. Now it’s up to you to choose you way. Hope that you choose health over poison; I hope that you choose the right way. I can help you little by guiding you in things that will help you to quit smoking cold turkey.


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