About Me
- Mike
- Hi! My name is Mike. I am 45 years old and I had been smoking cigarettes from age 15. Until recently I was happy and didn’t have any major problems regarding my health that can be related to smoking. My close friend just got lung cancer and with me by his side we went to doctor.
First I want you to ask yourself what you want. Do you really want to quit? Why? I started this because on my way I found something strange. The more I read about smoking and quitting, the more confused became. I have read many articles by different types of people and their reasons for quitting smoking cold turkey. I was even more confused. All that didn’t help me to stop smoking- it has only made me more fucked up. So when I started to ask myself WHY? And what I really want? And what do cigarettes mean for me? What do they symbolize? Then, only then it started to make sense. For me a cigarette was associated with a couple of things.The first one was rebellion. I took my first smoke as a teenager. It was a symbol of rebellion, of freedom, even manhood.
It meant for me much more than a simple cigarette. It symbolized all that I was, It was my own affirmation of the world, all that I stood for. It was my identity. So now, I asked myself DO I really need something that makes me sick to symbolize m? Do I really? Of course not, but before this research I had never before seen this from this angel. Now I was aware of my state, and aware of what I subconsciously made in my mind- that a cigarette stood for something much more that just a stupid poison. The even bigger shit is that I didn’t do that. The media, the Industry, commercials did that shit. Next time when you see a commercial, take your time, watch it carefully, and see what they are trying to tell you in deeper sense. In my next article I will try in more detail to explain what I mean. For now let’s get back to my associations.
So when I am aware of the negative influence those cigarettes have in my mind, I can start to change that shit. For a start, I redefined what makes me a man, and this surely isn’t cigarettes. I have no privacy to share too much personal information about which I made my list. I just am suggesting that you should make your own list. What defines you as a person? Write one essay about yourself. What are your hobbies? What are your qualities? Who are you? Then you can see if there is any fucked up shit on that list. I had cigarettes. So I am in control of my emotions, and I don’t need some stupid madafuckers to tell me who I am. I am all I can be, and I choose to live healthy. For me it was as simple as that. All the shit that they tell you to do, all scams of programs that sell you fog. You don’t need that. You are better than that. All you need is you, and the clear vision of what you really want. Think about it guys. See you soon…
Benefits of Quitting Smoking
Hi guys, last time we spoke, I told you all facts about smoking that every person should know. Now, if you really want to quit smoking cold turkey you should know some basic benefits that will help you to make a LIFE decision. I can do shit if you don’t want to see the whole picture. In next articles I will try to find a way for you guys that can’t do it for yourselves. For now, let’s come back on my story. So for me, getting full picture about what smoking does to a human being was really helpfully for making LIFE long decision to be all I can be and to enjoy health. I know now that I did damage to me, and to my family by smoking 1 pack a day. So now, I am going to tell you some benefits of quitting smoking that, hopefully will change you and let you to see shiny side of the coin.
Studies showed that ex smokers live longer that people that still smoke. So if you make a commitment now, you will live longer than if you continue to inhale shit smoke of cigarettes. Quitting smoking lowers the risk of cancers, stroke, heart attack, and chronic lung disease. If you are women you should know that by quitting smoking before or during first 3 months of pregnancy you are reducing risk of having a low birth-weight baby. If you are father like me, I have only one question for you? How much do you love you child? Don’t answer me, because I love mine, answer yourself and think what should you do to protect your family? I started by living healthier and my first step was quitting smoking cold turkey. I to much love me and my family to keep killing them with that poison.
I love LIFE. Now, every breath I take is clean and refreshing. I have more stamina and confidence. I am not ashamed of being me, cause now I am proud of decisions that I took and I am proud of ME. My clothes don’t stink, and I have more cash in my wallet. I use to have anxiety, now it has gone down, way down. I started working out, there aren’t no shortage of breath, I feel powerful now, I can do all that I put my mind to do. My appetite for eating is quite matter, and now I enjoy much more in a taste of food. My house, my workplace, my car, everything smells good. My breath is much more refreshing that it uses to be when I was smoking. I hope that this info encourage you to consider your life and your actions. I know that it helped me a lot. See you soon.
Smoking facts
Hi! My name is Mike. I am 45 years old and I had been smoking cigarettes from age 15. Until recently I was happy and didn’t have any major problems regarding my health that can be related to smoking. My close friend just got lung cancer and with me by his side we went to doctor. There I heard all facts and main information’s about smoking that I didn’t know. It scared me like hell. Later that day I started to browse Internet for informations about this matter. Now, I want to share best informations that I founded so I can help other people that have same problem as I had earleer. I went to tons of programs and searched internet for about 2 years. I can say that 99% of them are crap and scames. Becouse of that I will share my journey for LIFE, as I call it, and I will tell you guys my story. But, first I want to tell you all smoking facts that are necessary if you really want to quit smoking cold turkey.
OK, first some basic smoking facts:
Did you know that smoking is the most source of preventable premature mortality in the world? In USA smoking related disease cause 400.000-440.000 deaths each year. So while you enjoy smoking you are killing yourself by your own will. A study showed that one cigarette have over 4800 chemicals, from witch 69 cause cancer! So by only one smoke, you are exposing yourself to deadly chemicals by your own will and satisfaction. I have 2 kids, when I heard this facts my first reaction was regarding them. I ask myself what example I am setting to them. Back then I was smoker, then I browsed Internet for smoking facts regarding teens. I founded this.
Did you know that every day 3000 children’s smoke their first smoke. Over 3 million teens are smokers. Usually age when they start is 16. This and much more things really got me thinking. I was even more scared, for myself, for my family, for my friends. According to one survey, teenagers who are smokers were: Three times more likely to use alcohol. 22 times more likely to use Cocaine. And eight times more likely to smoke marijuana. Kids who smokes have decrease psihical fittnes and shortige of breath. So I started thinking again. So who is protecting me, protecting my family. Cigarete industry isn’t that doing for sure. As always that job is in my hand. Now, I know that my life is only in my hands and because of this and more shocking facts I started thinking how to quit smoking. As everything I did in my life, I do it radically, so for me only really way was to quit smoking cold turkey. That and the fact that I tried everything else. Besides quit smoking cold turkey I founded only one good program that really helped me. My brother has PhD in Psychology so I consulted with him about that program and it really helped me to overcome smoking habits.
I want to share some more smoking facts, so you get better picture of your actual road to self destruction. Deaths of all type of cancer are 34% higher for smokers. The Coalition of Accountability says that cigar smokers are 3.6 times more likely than nonsmokers to die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This and much more info really shake my world. Do I want to risk my beautiful life for some addiction? Do I want to risk my family? I was more and more in dilemma. Then I looked for some benefits of quitting smoking. I really was shaken by my best friend’s lung problems, and I had reality check. What am I doing? I am better than that. I never believe in destiny. For me Destiny is what you create for yourself. Now, as I fully see my creation, I knew that change is coming. I just hope that all the things that I went thro will help some other people to get on good life path and to life the life of your dreams. So now, I only can say, that the only program that really helped me, beside my own wiliness to change, was this one. Enjoy world and we will speak more soon.